Eliminate litter. End waste. Improve places.
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In total 432,440.5 bags have been pledged

Love where you live - pledge now

Since 2016 our army of millions of amazing #LitterHeroes have shown they love where they live by pledging to pick more than four million bags of litter during the Great British Spring Clean - the nation’s biggest mass-action environmental campaign.  

The Great British Spring Clean and Great Big School Clean 2025 will take place from 21 March to 6 April, and you can pledge to pick up a bag of litter – or more – from today.  

Can we count on you to show your love for where you live by helping us clean up the places and spaces we care about, as Keep Britain Tidy celebrates the landmark 10th time we have ran the campaign? 

You can choose to pledge as an individual, group or school by visiting our special pledge page - and if you pick more, please simply return and add a new pledge with the extra bags.

In a YouGov survey carried out on our behalf ahead of the Great British Spring Clean, more than 31.6 million people said ‘litter-free’ streets would help them love where they live – and 72% of UK adults said seeing litter makes them less proud of their neighbourhood. 

So if you want to protect our wildlife and the places you love this spring, join us and pledge to pick up a bag – or more – today.  

The Environment Belongs to Everyone

This year we are spreading the word that the environment belongs to everyone!

We are proud that since we launched the campaign, millions of #LitterHeroes from communities, faith groups, schools, businesses and local authorities have united to help tackle litter – we all have a role to play. 

Many of our volunteers regularly find ‘retro rubbish’ that was dropped many years ago but is still causing harm to our environment today, releasing greenhouse gases as it slowly breaks down in our soil and water, which contributes to the climate crisis. 

Litter-picking is a simple action that anyone can do to make an immediate and visible difference to the environment where we live, work and play.

In fact 97% of people surveyed after 2024's campaign agreed they felt they had made a difference to their local area, and 86% said they felt part of a national movement that is taking action to tackle litter. 

Last year, our army of amazing #LitterHeroes pledged to pick more than 425,000 bags of litter!

Among them are the real-life stars of this year's campaign images, our #LitterHeroes Ambassadors Emdad, Ash, El, Pat and Emily.

You can read more about them here