Most of us would hate to think we are contributing to the million fly-tips per year, but some people accidentally are.
That’s why we created our #CrimeNotToCare campaign. Fly-tipping in this country is reaching epidemic proportions. Many local authorities are dealing with up to 50 incidents a day, with some dealing with up to 100.
By increasing the public understanding about their duty of care “Your rubbish, your responsibility”, together we can reduce fly-tipping and cut off the supply to the criminals responsible for it.
Enquire nowYour rubbish, your responsibility – when it comes to fly-tipping it’s a crime not to care.
About #CrimeNotToCare
#CrimeNotToCare is a campaign aimed at the general public to raise the awareness of residents’ Duty of Care in a simple format to reduce fly-tipping. Our research shows a clear lack of understanding by the general public, and we know some may be unwittingly contributing to the fly-tipping problem.
#CrimeNotToCare is a national, social media-led campaign by Keep Britain Tidy, available as an off-the-shelf campaign to local authorities, with a variety of digital and print assets. It is available as a flexible, localised campaign-in-a-box with a number of options.
Local authorities involved will benefit from the national publicity garnered by Keep Britain Tidy and its brand as well as the greater reach the campaign will have beyond one local area.
Local authorities will be able to choose from a pick-and-mix of communications collateral. All materials will be localised for the individual local authority, this includes branding and the addition of information about local services where appropriate.
Campaign creative