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Smoking-related litter Policy

Cigarette litter is the number one littered item in the country, present on over 70% of sites across England. We want to see cigarette littering substantially reduced by 2020 and all but eradicated by 2030.

We will organise and lead a smoking litter forum including the tobacco industry, Government and others, working together to develop effective solutions. Working with Defra, we will develop an awareness campaign to challenge smokers’ attitudes.

We will work with Local Authorities and bin manufacturers to research, develop and roll out effective solutions to smoking litter.

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How can government help?


We want government (DCLG and Defra) to develop policy introducing the concept of extended producer responsibility for the tobacco industry, requiring the industry to bear the cost of smoking litter interventions and prevention campaigns.  

How can the cigarette industry help?


We want the Tobacco Manufacturers Association and its members to engage actively in the development and funding of schemes and campaigns aimed at preventing smoking litter. In particular supporting the collection and recycling of smokers’ litter, together with the development of well-designed and effective portable containers for cigarette butts.

How can local authorities help?


When investing in new bin stock, we want all local authorities to consider procuring dedicated smoking litter bins or general litter bins with secure and separate compartments for smoking litter. We want all local authorities to ensure that Fixed Penalty Notices are issued for littering of cigarette butts and smoking materials. And for them to identify smoking litter ‘hot-spots’ and roll out designated smoking zones in these areas, with adequate bin provision.